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* Some books in same category have same contents with different titles.

* Amazon Paperbooks are also available in Canada. Please click Amazon PB CA!

(1) 中日詞典



[Japanese-Mandarin Core Dictionary for Chinese]

>> Amazon|Google 

[Japanese-Chinese Word Lists 5000 for Chinese]

>>  Amazon PB |Amazon PB CA


[Mandarin-Japanese Core Dictionary for Chinese]

>> Amazon|Google 

[Chinese-Japanese Word Lists 5000]

>>  Amazon PB |Amazon PB CA


(2) 英日詞典

[Compact English-Japanese Dictionary 9000]

>> Amazon|Amazon PB |Amazon PB CA

[English-Japanese Romanized Dictionary]

>> Google| iTunes

(3) 基礎日英詞典

[Japanese-English Concise Dictionary]

>> Amazon|Amazon PB |Amazon PB CA  

[Japanese-English Concise Dictionary]

>> Google 


[Japanese-English Romanized Dictionary 9000]

>> Amazon|Google | iTunes

[Compact Japanese-English Dictionary 9000]

>> Amazon PB |Amazon PB CA

(4) 綜合日英詞典

[Japanese-English Dictionary 17000]

>> Amazon|Amazon PB |Amazon PB CA

[Japanese-English Dictionary 17000]

>> Google | iTunes


[Compact Japanese-English Dictionary 18000]

>> Amazon|Amazon PB |Amazon PB CA

[Japanese-English Romanized Dictionary 18000]

>> Google | iTunes 

(5) 三語詞典


[Trio Dictionary of Japanese-Korean-English]

>> Google| iTunes 


[Trio Dictionary of Japanese-Chinese-English]

>> Google| iTunes 


[Trio Dictionary of Chinese-Japanese-Korean]

>> Amazon|Amazon PB |Amazon PB CA

[Trio Dictionary of Chinese-Japanese-Korean]

>> Google | iTunes 


[Trio Dictionary of Korean-Japanese-Chinese]

>>  iTunes 



[Trio Dictionary of Japanese-Chinese-Korean]

>>  iTunes 


(6) 有聲詞典


[Audio Japanese-English Dictionary]

>>  iTunes 




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